
2024-06-29 10:01:15  星期六


发布时间:2023年09月27日 浏览量:209次 所属栏目:数字化 发布者:国科网小编
今日本文阅读次数: 258


中国电子科技集团有限公司党组书记、董事长 陈肇雄当前,新一代信息技术蓬勃发展,深刻改变人类生产生活方式,对各国经济社会发展、全球治理体系、人类文明进程影响深远。以习总书记为核心的党中央统揽全局、把握大势、着眼未来,对推动数字经济和实体经济融合发展作出一系列重大决策部署。中国电科牢记“大国重器”使命担当,深入贯彻落实习总书记重要指示精神,将数字化转型作为利当前、惠长远的重大战略加紧推动落实,为改造提升传统动能、培育壮大新兴动能、支撑经济高质量发展赋能赋智。





加快数字化转型是迈向世界一流企业的必由之路。2019年,全球市值排名前十的企业中,有7家是数字经济领域企业。全球领先企业加快数字化战略布局,美国通用电气、罗克韦尔、思科、IBM、微软等诸多领军企业在数字化的软件、硬件以及互联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能等方面已形成领先优势。欧洲西门子、ABB、博世、施耐德、SAP等工业巨头不断强化数控产品、平台技术、系统解决方案优势。具有全球影响力的数字化平台超过70家,西门子MindSphere平台接入工业设备达1000万台,平台开发者10万人,GE Predix平台接入工业传感器超过1000万个。



























China Electronics: Accelerate digital transformation to promote high quality development

Chen Zhaoxiong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Electronics Technology Group Co., LTD. At present, the vigorous development of the new generation of information technology has profoundly changed the way of production and life of mankind and exerted far-reaching influence on the economic and social development of various countries, the global governance system and the progress of human civilization.

First, it is of great significance to accelerate digital transformation

Accelerating digital transformation is an urgent need to build new advantages in international competition. The digital economy is becoming an important driving force for global economic growth and social progress. The new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is gaining momentum. The United States, Europe, Japan, the ROK and other major developed countries and regions have vigorously promoted digital transformation, and continued to increase support in institutional Settings, strategic planning, policies and regulations, so as to seize the opportunity of the fourth Industrial Revolution. The global digital technology innovation landscape and industrial division of labor are still undergoing adjustment. China is faced with both rare opportunities for development and severe challenges of slow progress or retreat.

Accelerating digital transformation is an inherent requirement for promoting high-quality economic development.

China’s economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development, and is now in a critical period of transforming the development model, optimizing the economic structure and transforming the growth drivers. Digitization is the basic path to high-quality development. Data, as a key factor of production, is rapidly releasing its superposition and multiplication effect. In 2019, the scale of China’s digital economy reached 35.8 trillion yuan, accounting for more than one third of GDP and contributing 68% to GDP growth.

The digital engine plays a significant role. From the perspective of the transformation process, the digitalized penetration rates of service industry, industry and agriculture are 37.8%, 19.5% and 8.2% respectively, which is still a large gap compared with developed countries. In particular, the manufacturing industry needs a long-term development process from the supplementary lessons of 2.0 enterprises, to the popularization of 3.0 enterprises and then to the demonstration of 4.0 enterprises, which also provides broad development space for the digital transformation of our country.

Accelerating digital transformation is the only way to become a world-class enterprise. In 2019, seven of the world’s top 10 companies by market value were in the digital economy. Global leading enterprises are accelerating their digital strategic layout. Many leading enterprises such as General Electric, Rockwell, Cisco, IBM and Microsoft have formed leading advantages in digital software, hardware, Internet, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence. European industrial giants such as Siemens, ABB, Bosch, Schneider and SAP continue to strengthen their advantages in numerical control products, platform technology and system solutions. There are more than 70 digital platforms with global influence. Siemens’ MindSphere platform has access to 10 million industrial devices, 100,000 platform developers, and GE’s Predix platform has access to more than 10 million industrial sensors.

Second, China Electronics vigorously promotes digital transformation

China Electronics Industry inherited the complete scientific research system of China’s electronics industry, has been engaged in information construction for a long time, is an important participant and strong promoter of digital transformation. We will help build China into a cyber power, a digital China, and a smart society.

First, we will continue to enhance the basic innovation capacity of digital industrialization

We will focus on big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other next-generation information technologies. Intensify efforts to tackle key scientific and technological problems, enhance our capacity for basic innovation. And support the development of new industries, new business forms and new models of the digital economy.

We will work hard to develop next-generation information infrastructure. Actively responding to the national call for “new infrastructure”, focusing on open application, integration and common use. And strengthening common use, building ubiquitous advanced backbone networks, integrated big data centers and computing power centers. To build an independent security cloud fully adapted to the domestic CPU and operating system. And build domestic cloud data centers in many places. We will build a new generation of information infrastructure that integrates “the Internet of things. The Internet of numbers and the Internet of intelligence”. And form digital products and services that are deeply connected, highly efficient and widely applied.

We will strengthen efforts to tackle key and core technologies.

Focus on comprehensive, systematic and sustainable controllable electronic information field of our country. In the 10 major fields of components, materials, equipment, security system layout, accelerate the key core technology breakthrough and transformation, solid electronic information industry basic capacity, to ensure the security of the industrial chain supply chain. It has explored the formation of a scientific and technological innovation mode of “application promotes foundation”. And its independent research and development, production and supply capacity in the field of electronic components and components has been significantly improved. It has achieved a large number of breakthroughs in “point”, “line” and “surface”, narrowing the gap with the international advanced level.

We will strengthen cyber security capacity building. For the protection system of critical information infrastructure architecture, technology research, product incubation and industry solution building in the fields of network monitoring, situation awareness, security intelligence, operations management and emergency response are continuously carried out. So as to realize the synchronous advance of security and development. We will explore new modes of network security services for state-owned enterprises, establish a Chinese-funded Network Information Security Technology Co., LTD., build an overall network security platform for state-owned enterprises. And support the construction of a network security protection system for state-owned enterprises.

Second, we will vigorously expand the application space of industrial digital integration

We will actively foster an industrial ecology in which the new generation of information technology is deeply integrated with the economy and society. And advance the high-end industrial chain.

We will vigorously promote the digital transformation of industries. We will continue to enhance the digital capabilities of mature industries. Such as civil aviation, rail transit, smart meteorology, and smart public security. We will accelerate the development of digital driving forces in emerging industries. Such as smart justice, aerospace information, emergency management, ecological environment, and health. So as to optimize and reshape the industrial structure and promote the digital transformation of relevant industries.

We will actively develop new forms of business for digital integration. Adhering to the idea of “product driven by ability and industry driven by application”. The company actively cultivates new digital products and solutions in the fields of data operation services. Data trading and circulation, and creates a “new growth pole” for enterprise development. It has developed an open system architecture of the Internet of Things (iot) with independent intellectual property rights. “Electrical Science Kaiwu”, which has led 16 national standards and 9 international standards. And has successfully realized practical application.

Haikangzi Group has built a smart factory with a new model of mass customization of intelligent video terminals, with an annual output of 53 million units. Taiji Group launched TECO industrial Internet platform, providing services for nearly 30 industry leading enterprises. Guoruizi Group has built a “3+N” overall solution for smart enterprises, serving more than 200 key enterprises in transportation, energy and other fields for digital transformation.

Third, we will significantly improve our governance capacity, modernize and provide better services

Focusing on improving the governance capacity of the government. We will provide strong technical support and services, and focus on enhancing the innovation capacity of business process, data operation and information technology application.

Supporting the building of a digital government. The digital government electricity department model of “cloud + data + application + ecology” has been successfully implemented in many places. We will undertake the construction of the national government affairs service platform and the “Internet + supervision” system. And build a national integrated government affairs service platform system from horizontal to edge and vertical to bottom.

Support the prevention and control of COVID-19. As the technical support unit of the Big Data task group and scientific research informatization class under the Joint Prevention and Control mechanism of The State Council, it took the initiative to coordinate with relevant ministries and commissions, immediately formed a big data team for epidemic prevention and control, developed a big data system for epidemic prevention and control and work and production resumption, and provided services to relevant ministries and commissions and several provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country, with a total of more than 3 billion people.

Fourth, comprehensively improve the enterprise management ability to adapt to the digital transformation

Adapt to the tide of digital transformation, promote management reform, and consolidate the foundation of sustainable development of enterprises.

Adjust the organizational structure to promote management improvement. Focusing on the two main lines conducive to fulfilling mission and responsibility and responding to market demand, centering on the new needs of digitization of business and process, promote the overall management improvement project, adjust and optimize the organizational structure and functions of the headquarters, establish and improve the organizational mode of close collaboration between sub-groups and research institutes, and promote the transformation of the traditional organizational structure of research institutes into a modern enterprise organization adapted to the development of digital economy. Form scale effect and synergy effect.

We will launch a special campaign for digital transformation. Comprehensively start the construction of “digital Electricity Department”, make overall planning of technology route and development path, aim to improve the core capabilities of intelligent management and control, efficient collaboration, information sharing and employee happiness, and promote the group’s management process reengineering and organizational structure optimization by building the enterprise’s internal basic data platform, strengthening the construction of basic data governance system, and building the enterprise intelligent management and control application system.

Third, strive to create a new situation of digital transformation

To standard the work requirements of state-owned enterprises of SASAC digital transformation, further strengthen the sense of responsibility and urgency to accelerate the promotion of digital transformation work, accelerate the promotion of organizational innovation, technological innovation, integration innovation, cross-border innovation, continue to enhance the ability of digital innovation and development, improve the industrial base capacity and the modernization level of industrial chain, We will make greater contribution to the formation of a new pattern of development in which the two cycles reinforce each other.

First, strengthen strategic planning to enable the development of the digital economy.

Implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on promoting the deep integration of the new generation of information technology with the manufacturing industry and creating new advantages of the digital economy, adapt to the trend of digital, networked and intelligent development, take the remodeling of the modern corporate governance system as the leading role, build the core competitiveness of enterprises in the digital era as the main line, and plan the path of digital transformation.

We will strengthen research, development and application of generic solutions for digital transformation. We will continue to promote the development of next-generation information infrastructure, strengthen the growth drivers of emerging industries such as smart manufacturing and smart cities, increase the supply of products and services for digital transformation, provide quality services to the Party, government, military, enterprises and people, support the building of a strong cyber country, a digital China and a smart society, and create value and contribute to the high-quality development of China’s economy.

Second, strengthen innovation and breakthrough, master digital core technology.

Focusing on the shortcomings of core technologies in the field of network information, emphasizing the driving role of science and technology, realizing major breakthroughs in advantageous fields, generic technologies and key technologies, creating an internationally advanced, safe and controllable digital transformation technology system, promoting the research and development and industrialization of digital products, and laying a solid foundation for promoting digital transformation and upgrading. To build a collaborative innovation platform, create a new cooperation paradigm of “industry-university-research investment and application” in the field of digital technology, accelerate the gathering of innovation resources of all parties, and build a systematic innovation cluster. We will strengthen innovation in digital application, actively explore new applications of next-generation information technology in social governance and public services, cultivate new forms, models and scenarios of business, expand the areas of industrial chain, and optimize the pattern of industrial chain.

Third, build industrial ecology and strengthen digital elements.

We will guide production factors such as talents and data to exert their overlapping effect. We will give full play to the supporting role of talents, speed up the training of high-level, innovative and versatile digital talents, improve the mechanisms for training, evaluation, flow and incentive of talents, and stimulate their enthusiasm for innovation. We will further leverage the role of data integration, deepen data docking and information sharing, drive technology flow, capital flow and talent flow with information flow, and accelerate the pace of digital transformation of enterprises. Restructure the enterprise innovation chain, integrate into the industrial innovation ecology, gradually change the traditional closed innovation, establish an open innovation ecosystem, integrate and collaborate the R&D, production and manufacturing, supply chain, talent, investment and financing capabilities of the enterprise’s internal and external ecological partners organically, and expand the new digital ecology.

Fourth, we will deepen reform of enterprises and stimulate their endogenous development.

Unswervingly promote institutional reform and management improvement, through the integration of information technology, industrial technology, management technology and security technology, innovate the working mechanism, implement the digital transformation one-person responsibility system, all departments and member units of the Group orderly, mutual cooperation, joint management, and promote the efficient implementation of digital transformation work. Adjust and optimize the assessment system, track, evaluate, assess, benchmark and improve the digital transformation work, to ensure the steady progress of the digital transformation process of enterprises.


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