
2024-10-16 08:19:43  星期三


发布时间:2023年10月28日 浏览量:592次 所属栏目:数字化 发布者:田佳恬
今日本文阅读次数: 4




  • 89家央企明确数字化转型发展规划。
  • 90多家央企组建“一把手”负责的转型领导机制,明确牵头部门。
  • 800多家国企探索传统业务转型模式,推出典型企业900多个,建设数字场景3200多个,组织转型培训3.7万场,参加人次近千万。
  • 国企数字化转型“上热中温下冷”局面得到较大改观。



  • 52家中央工业企业2022年数字化研发设计工具普及率平均85.9%,关键工序数控化率平均72.6%,分别超全国水平8.9和14个百分点。
  • 60多家央企建设数字化产业链协同平台数量超100个,带动产业链上下游、大中小企业融通发展。
  • 国企数字化转型“不愿转不敢转不会转”情况得到一定程度改变。



  • 70多家央企取得5G光收发芯片、操作系统等200余项数字技术成果。
  • 累计开通5G基站273万个,建设北斗地基增强站1.2万余座。
  • 组建数字科技类公司近500家。
  • 国企数字技术供给服务能力加快提升。





  • 定期开展转型实施方案对标评估,动态调整转型策略,保障数字化转型与企业发展战略的协调性。
  • 持续开展转型水平对标评估,学习借鉴行业先进经验,动态优化转型路径。
  • 开展业务与数字化能力适应性评估,定期梳理优化转型架构,保障业务架构、数据架构、应用架构、技术架构融合一致。
  • 加强评估、规划、实施、优化闭环管理,强化一把手负责,明确分工,压实责任,定期通报进展情况,保障转型任务顺利实施。


  • 聚焦主责主业,组织开展数字化转型试点企业建设,发挥转型引领作用,力争“试成一批、带动一片”。
  • 聚焦智能制造,加快推进“人机隔离”“机器换人”“黑灯工厂”等智能工厂建设,提升制造业高端化智能化绿色化水平。
  • 聚焦企业全流程,加快数字技术应用和场景创新,提高全要素生产率。
  • 加快“北斗+”数字场景创新,形成工作机制,促进北斗规模化应用。


  • 建立适应数据要素价值发挥的组织机制,加强数据要素治理,完善数据权属、责任认定、收益分配等机制,促进数据集成共享与价值释放。
  • 建立科学、合理的资源统筹调度机制,提升数字化转型投入强度,提高资金使用效率。
  • 加快培育高水平、创新型、复合型数字化人才队伍,创新工作方法,促进全员数字素养与技能提升。
  • 出台含金量高、分量足的配套制度办法、支持政策,提升转型动力活力。


  • 发挥创新联合体等作用,促进产学研合作,加强“卡脖子”技术、原创性引领性技术攻关,主动开放市场,促进成果应用,带动产业链上下游、大中小企业融通发展。
  • 发挥国企骨干作用,加快5G、北斗、卫星互联网、人工智能、区块链、工业互联网等数字新型基础设施建设,提升信息服务支撑能力。
  • 发挥央企数字协同创新平台作用,促进区域间、行业间、企业间经验交流、创新合作。
  • 加强前瞻性谋划,持续培育新业务增长点和数字科技领军企业,加快发展战略性新兴产业和未来产业。

















包括华为在内的很多企业过去建设了大量的IT 系统,但这些系统往往架构老旧,而面向未来的IT系统,苏立清认为那一定是以云为基础,以数据为驱动,微服务化的一个新型架构。




01 研发设计数字化


02 生产运营智能化

03 经营管理一体化

04 用户服务敏捷化

05 产业协同生态化


Progress in the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises

Accelerate the landing of the “five turns”, and the transformation work system has taken initial shape.

State-owned enterprises around the change of consciousness, change of organization, change of model, change of method, change of culture, multiple measures to promote the transformation of the work landing.

89 central enterprises have made clear their digital transformation development plans.

More than 90 central enterprises have formed a transformation leadership mechanism responsible for the “first leader” and clearly defined the leading departments.

More than 800 soes explored traditional business transformation models, launched more than 900 typical enterprises, built more than 3,200 digital scenarios, and organized 37,000 transformation training sessions, with nearly 10 million participants.

The situation of “hot, warm and cold” in the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises has been greatly improved.

Strengthen the “five modernization” promotion, and accelerate the digital transformation of traditional industries.

State-owned enterprises actively promote digitization of research and development, intelligent production, integrated management, agile services, and industrial ecology, and promote all-round and whole-chain transformation of traditional businesses.

In 2022, the penetration rate of digital R & D and design tools in 52 central industrial enterprises averaged 85.9%, and the CNC rate of key processes averaged 72.6%, respectively 8.9 and 14 percentage points higher than the national level.

More than 60 central enterprises have built more than 100 digital industrial chain collaboration platforms, driving the integrated development of upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and large, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The situation of “unwilling to turn and afraid to turn” in the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises has changed to a certain extent.

Strengthen the “five new” breakthrough, and accelerate the development of digital industrialization.

State-owned enterprises focus their strengths on tackling new technologies, launching new products, laying out new infrastructure, creating “specialized and innovative” enterprises, and cultivating emerging industries to help achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.

More than 70 central enterprises have achieved more than 200 digital technology achievements such as 5G optical transceiver chips and operating systems.

A total of 2.73 million 5G base stations have been opened, and more than 12,000 Beidou foundation strengthening stations have been built.

Nearly 500 digital technology companies have been established.

The ability of state-owned enterprises to supply services with digital technologies was accelerated.

Increase the “five dimensions” empowerment, and promote the modernization of services efficiently.

State-owned enterprises actively take the lead or participate in the construction of electronic certificates, “run at most once”, smart Culture Palace, “digital technology + medical and health” service system, “Xueliang Project”, “Village access” project, renewable energy database, etc., enabling the construction of digital government, digital culture, digital society, digital countryside, and digital ecological civilization. State-owned enterprises are playing an increasingly prominent role in supporting the construction of digital China.

Key points of the digital Transformation Action Plan for State-owned enterprises

Strengthen the evaluation of the benchmark and improve the promotion ability of the transformation system.

Carry out regular evaluation of transformation implementation plan, dynamically adjust transformation strategy, and ensure the coordination of digital transformation and enterprise development strategy.

Continue to carry out the evaluation of the transformation level, learn from the industry’s advanced experience, and dynamically optimize the transformation path.

Carry out business and digital capability adaptability assessment, regularly sort out and optimize the transformation architecture, and ensure the integration of business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, and technology architecture.

Strengthen the evaluation, planning, implementation, and optimization of closed-loop management, strengthen the responsibility of the leader, clarify the division of labor, consolidate responsibilities, and regularly report the progress to ensure the smooth implementation of the transformation task.数字化

Promote pilot demonstrations and enhance the ability to change production modes.

Focus on the main responsibility and main business, organize the construction of digital transformation pilot enterprises, play a leading role in transformation, and strive to “try a batch and drive a piece”.

Focus on intelligent manufacturing, accelerate the construction of intelligent factories such as “man-machine isolation”, “machine replacement” and “black light factory”, and improve the high-end intelligent green level of manufacturing.

Focus on the whole process of the enterprise, accelerate the application of digital technology and scene innovation. And improve the total factor productivity.

Accelerate the innovation of “Beidou +” digital scenarios, form a working mechanism, and promote the large-scale application of Beidou.

Improve institutional mechanisms and enhance the ability to support transformation.

Establish an organizational mechanism to adapt to the value of data elements, strengthen the governance of data elements, improve data ownership, responsibility identification, income distribution and other mechanisms. And promote data integration and sharing and value release.

Establish a scientific and reasonable resource scheduling mechanism, increase the intensity of investment in digital transformation. And improve the efficiency of fund use.

Accelerate the cultivation of high-level, innovative and composite digital talent teams, innovate working methods, and promote the digital literacy and skills of all employees.

We will introduce supporting systems, measures, and policies with high gold content and sufficient weight to enhance the dynamism of transformation.

Strengthen cooperation and development to enhance the level of independent security innovation.

We will give play to the role of innovation consortiums, promote industry-university-research cooperation, strengthen research on “bottleneck” technologies and innovation-leading technologies, take the initiative to open markets, promote the application of results, and promote the integrated development of upstream and downstream industrial chains and large, small and medium-sized enterprises.

We will give full play to the backbone role of state-owned enterprises, accelerate the construction of new digital infrastructure such as 5G, Beidou, satellite Internet, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and industrial Internet, and improve the ability to support information services.

Give full play to the role of central enterprises digital collaborative innovation platform, and promote inter-regional, inter-industry, and inter-enterprise experience exchange and innovation cooperation.

Strengthen forward-looking planning, continue to cultivate new business growth points and digital technology leaders, and accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries.

——– The following is a quote from Su Liqing Su, Vice President of Huawei Cloud and Chief Digital transformation Officer of Huawei Cloud, at the China Informatization 100 Annual Summit 2020, with the theme of “Releasing Data Productivity to Help Government and Enterprise intelligent upgrading” speech:


Some enterprises have a concept that digital transformation is the matter of the information technology department, but technology must help the business to realize value, whether it is efficiency improvement, or product and business model innovation, in the final analysis, it is to generate business value.

So the business department must also move, only technology and business in-depth integration and collaboration. To promote the implementation of digital transformation. “This turn of consciousness, we call two-wheel drive, business and technology drive together. I’m from an IT background, but I really want to work with the business to explore digital transformation.” Su Liqing said.


In the past, when enterprises implemented digital projects, the business department often proposed requirements to the IT department, and the latter developed IT systems to meet the needs of the business. However, as business changes faster and faster, this model becomes increasingly sluggish and outdated, which means that business and IT need to form a joint team, in other words, “business technology two-wheel drive” is not a two-wheel drive in consciousness, but also in organizational structure and workflow.

In Huawei, the digital transformation project manager is usually undertaken by the business department. And IT is responsible for technical support, so as to form a “you have me, I have you” close collaboration team, IT has a deep understanding of the business, and the business has a considerable understanding of IT.

“Change culture”

Digital transformation actually leads to profound changes in both enterprise IT architecture and business architecture. For example, microservices are an architectural and organizational way for IT staff to develop software, and microservice has become a key trend because it can better deconstruct the business, and platform culture becomes very important when you want to move to microservices. “In the past, a need has produced a class of software packages to help the business implement the model, in the future (the model) may not be enough.

There must be a new platform-based architecture to achieve rapid business response, which means that everyone must build the platform and use the platform, which is the platform culture, that is,” everyone for me, I for everyone “, build the platform together. To make an ecosystem and land to continue to grow, to form a constantly iterative new architecture to meet the needs of the digital transformation of enterprises.” Su Liqing explained.数字化转型

“Transfer method”

Digital transformation cannot be separated from the interpretation of business, and to interpret business, Su Liqing pointed out three core dimensions of digital technology to interpret business:

The first dimension is the digitization of business objects.

IT is necessary to deconstruct the business objects of each scenario as much as possible and realize digitalization, because only in this way can IT play a role;

The second dimension is online business processes.

In the past, software packages helped solidify business processes, but their functions and responses to business were often insufficient. Under the new architecture, business processes must be transferred from offline to online as much as possible, and IT can play a role.

The third dimension is business rule structuring.

Although some rules have been deposited through the IT system, in fact, there are still a large number of rules are still deposited in the brain of business personnel, how to structure these rules, and then digitized, and then IT processing, which is very important.

“Digitization of business objects, online business processes, and structured business rules can achieve business automation and truly realize high-speed business operation, which actually requires deep cooperation between business and IT.” Su Liqing concluded.数字化转

“Transfer mode”

Many companies, including Huawei, have built a large number of IT systems in the past, but these systems often have an old architecture, and the future-oriented IT system, Su Liqing believes that it must be a new architecture based on cloud, driven by data, and micro-services.

If companies blindly protect past investments, they may fall behind in the future, but it is obviously unrealistic to say that the stock system should be completely dismantled.

Therefore, Huawei proposes that adopting Bi-Model dual-mode IT is a feasible choice for enterprises to carry out digital transformation.

That is to say, both the use of the past stock system, through the data to connect it, in the new system, the use of cloud-based, data-driven microservice of the new architecture. In this way, both embrace the future and adapt to the past, belonging to a “standing and not breaking” IT architecture.

Then there is “five”, “R & D digitization, intelligent production, management integration, agile service, industrial ecology” from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council Cadre Education and Training Center project (project number: 22GZW0303) phased results, entitled “Central Enterprise digital transformation Progress and practical experience”.

In this article, statistics, research and analysis are made on the relevant information of 98 central enterprises by the end of 2022. First, five basic approaches for the digital transformation of central enterprises are introduced, including: The first is to build a unified cloud platform, the second is to build a comprehensive management and control platform, the third is to build a digital technology center, the fourth is to build a supply chain integration platform, and the fifth is to establish a professional digital science company.

Then there are the five main characteristics of central enterprises to promote digital transformation, that is, the “five modernizations”, which include:

01 R & D design digitization

At present, the central enterprises have built 306 digital collaborative research and development platforms. For example, Sinopsin Group has built a biosafety protection level 3 laboratory for high-throughput data screening. Military equipment Group built a virtual simulation platform, the first intelligent voice and audio interaction, the overall research and development cycle shortened by 1/3.

02 Intelligent production and operation

The numerical control rate of key processes in central industrial enterprises has reached 68.9%, 13 percentage points higher than other industrial enterprises in the country. For example, COMAC has established a 5G industrial innovation center, built the first 5G fully connected factory in China, and developed application scenarios for industrial innovation. Cnooc’s real-time monitoring of key crude oil equipment has changed from multi-point dispersion to centralized mode, and the efficiency has increased by 30%.数字化

03 Operation and management integration

Nearly 2/3 of central enterprises have realized the comprehensive coverage of digital operation and management, and some central enterprises have realized the integration of the group. For example, the State Grid has set up a leading group and working group in the middle of the enterprise to integrate and share business data based on the data center, realize the digitization of multi-dimensional financial operation and management, and improve the synergy of the enterprise. China Resources Group has more than 400 integrated applications, realizing online office, business integration and information exchange for 400,000 employees at the same time.

04 Agile user services

According to relevant statistics, 75 central enterprises have carried out e-commerce applications, and the transaction scale will reach 10 trillion yuan in 2021, accounting for about 1/4 of the national e-commerce transaction volume. The Air Travel service platform of Air China integrates the resources of more than 240 airlines in more than 1,600 airports around the world to provide users with flight travel services. China’s Sinochem has built a modern agricultural technology service platform, providing online services to more than 200 million mu of arable land.

05 Industrial collaborative ecology

There are more than 120 central enterprise supply chain integration platforms. CNPC’s Yipai oil trade e-commerce platform connects more than 1,600 large enterprises with an annual turnoverIt reached 2 trillion yuan. China COsco United Shipping and Port Company has created a shipping blockchain alliance, which has been applied in customs and ports of more than 100 countries around the world, and the cargo of relevant countries has been shortened from the original 2 days to less than 4 hours.



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